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hello, I just wanted to know, your opinions about betting tipster....since I have no experience trying this, I want to ask you if you believe in betting tipsters, what I mean, do you believe that everything he says is correct?

And if this thing or style really worked, why didn't they just bet their own money? than the gamblers would pay them? because if I were one of them, I would rather just play, than tell them my skills

Martin Davis

I think it's essential to approach betting tipsters with a critical eye. Do your research, look for transparency and accountability, and don't be afraid to ask questions. And remember that there's no substitute for your own knowledge and intuition. By combining the insights of a good tipster with your own betting strategy, you'll be well on your way to making informed, intelligent wagers. Good luck!



hello, I just wanted to know, your opinions about betting tipster....since I have no experience trying this, I want to ask you if you believe in betting tipsters, what I mean, do you believe that everything he says is correct?

And if this thing or style really worked, why didn't they just bet their own money? than the gamblers would pay them? because if I were one of them, I would rather just play, than tell them my skills

Not all betting tipste­rs are accurate. Study their past pe­rformance carefully. Don't accept the­ir suggestions without checking them first.

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