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Card Counting Strategy!

Noel Curtis


You're playing Baccarat and have been keeping track of the cards that have been played. You notice that there are a disproportionately large number of high cards (Kings, Queens, Jacks) remaining in the shoe. How should you adjust your betting strategy to take advantage of this situation?"

My explanation on this is "Increase your bets on the Banker, since the high cards favor the Banker's chances of winning. This explains, In Baccarat, high cards tend to favor the Banker's chances of winning, since the Banker's hand is typically stronger when there are more high cards in the deck. Therefore, when there are a disproportionately large number of high cards remaining in the shoe, it's beneficial to increase your bets on the Banker. This is because the Banker's chances of winning are higher compared to other bets, such as the Player or the Tie."  

How about you guys? Do you agree that card counting strategy is effective?

I still think there may be some benefit to maintaining an overall track on high or low cards and changing my bets accordingly. Even if it's not an absolute guarantee to consistently win, it might guide my betting and raise my total winning chances by allowing me to make more thoughtful choices.

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