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Do you know that? 😱

Martin Davis

Did you know that Baccarat was once illegal in France? 🀯 Yeah, it's hard to imagine now, but back in 1837, the game was banned due to its immense popularity and the large amounts of money being wagered on it. But don't worry haha It didn't stay illegal for long. In 1907, it was legalized once again, and boy, did it make a comeback! πŸ’₯

With its return to legality, Baccarat became even more mainstream, and its popularity soared to new heights. People from all walks of life fell in love with the game's simplicity and social elements, making it a staple in casinos and gambling halls across France. And let me tell you, the game's allure hasn't faded one bit since then. Today, Baccarat remains a beloved game around the world, with its rich history and mysterious charm continue to captivate players of all levels. hooray!



 I didn't know that baccarat had that kind of history in the past. Well now i know.... haha , thanks Martin for sharing this information. From being banned in 1837 then came back and became legal in 1907 shows its persisting popularity. Can you imagine the fact that a popular game once banned all over the world is today enjoyed by all nations on earth? haha Amazing...

Arnold Singh


 I didn't know that baccarat had that kind of history in the past. Well now i know.... haha , thanks Martin for sharing this information. From being banned in 1837 then came back and became legal in 1907 shows its persisting popularity. Can you imagine the fact that a popular game once banned all over the world is today enjoyed by all nations on earth? haha Amazing...

I know, right?! The history of Baccarat is truly fascinating. It's incredible to think how a game that was once banned is now a global sensation enjoyed by people from all walks of life. The journey it has taken over the years is truly amazing. Glad I could share this interesting tidbit with you! πŸŒπŸƒ



Did you know that Baccarat was once illegal in France? 🀯 Yeah, it's hard to imagine now, but back in 1837, the game was banned due to its immense popularity and the large amounts of money being wagered on it. But don't worry haha It didn't stay illegal for long. In 1907, it was legalized once again, and boy, did it make a comeback! πŸ’₯

With its return to legality, Baccarat became even more mainstream, and its popularity soared to new heights. People from all walks of life fell in love with the game's simplicity and social elements, making it a staple in casinos and gambling halls across France. And let me tell you, the game's allure hasn't faded one bit since then. Today, Baccarat remains a beloved game around the world, with its rich history and mysterious charm continue to captivate players of all levels. hooray!


I wasn't aware that Baccarat was once illegal in France, banned in 1837 due to its popularity and high stakes. However, it's fascinating that it made a triumphant return in 1907, becoming even more popular and enduring. The game's rich history and enduring appeal make it a captivating choice for players worldwide.




Terry Anderson

Wow! That's interesting! I had no idea that Baccarat was once illegal in France. Do you think there are any other games that have a similar history? Games that were once banned but later became popular?

Andrea Hern

Glad to share! It's fascinating how something once banned can become so popular. Baccarat definitely has a rich history worth exploring.

Kim Woojin

Interesting fact! I didn't know that Baccarat was once illegal in France. It's amazing how a game can be so popular that it gets banned, but then makes a comeback and becomes even more popular than before. It's a testament to the power of human curiosity and our desire for entertainment.

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