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Why do Baccarat players bend the cards?

Camilla Lee

Ever noticed how folks playing Baccarat have this thing for bending the cards? It's kind of intriguing, right? There's this whole routine to it. But why do they do it? Is it just a superstition thing or is there some secret strategy? Let's dig into this Baccarat tradition of card-bending and figure out why players do it. Any thoughts or insights on this curious habit?

Ron Newton

They said that many people who bend cards in baccarat do so out of superstition or tradition, thinking it will bring them good fortune or have an impact on the outcome of the game. But I think that they also need to consider that casinos do not support this practice, and it lacks any rational or scientific foundation. One of the possible reason is that because baccarat is a game of chance, random factors determine the game's outcomes. Strictly speaking that cards should not be manipulated in casinos; instead, players should follow the rules and behave politely. Instead of depending entirely on superstitious habits players are urged to approach the game with a knowledge of probability.



They said that many people who bend cards in baccarat do so out of superstition or tradition, thinking it will bring them good fortune or have an impact on the outcome of the game. But I think that they also need to consider that casinos do not support this practice, and it lacks any rational or scientific foundation. One of the possible reason is that because baccarat is a game of chance, random factors determine the game's outcomes. Strictly speaking that cards should not be manipulated in casinos; instead, players should follow the rules and behave politely. Instead of depending entirely on superstitious habits players are urged to approach the game with a knowledge of probability.

You're right! People might bend cards in Baccarat because they think it brings good luck or affects the game. But, casinos don't like this, and there's no real reason for it. Baccarat is a game of chance, so outcomes are random. It's better for players to follow the rules, be polite, and understand the chances of winning instead of relying on superstitions.

razak osman

Maybe some players may also see card-bending as a way to distract themselves from the stress of the game or to calm their nerves. The repetitive motion of bending and straightening the cards can be soothing and calming, allowing players to focus better and make clearer decisions.



Maybe some players may also see card-bending as a way to distract themselves from the stress of the game or to calm their nerves. The repetitive motion of bending and straightening the cards can be soothing and calming, allowing players to focus better and make clearer decisions.

I agree to this, which i also do when i play, seems like a mannerism, then i was thinking i always do it because i was so tense by the game hahaha if its bring luck for the game? well i hope so 😅Whether it brings luck or simply adds to the mystique of the game, it's one of those quirky things that make Baccarat so unique. 


Yes! The tradition of card-bending in Baccarat is intriguing, and many players see it as a superstition, believing it adds an element of suspense and luck. I don't think there's any secret strategy involved, but it's amazing how these traditions have become part of gaming culture, right? 😅


well bending cards in Baccarat is a superstition rather than a strategic move. Some of us believe it brings good luck or influences the outcome. but of course in reality, card bending has no impact on the game's randomness, as the shuffle and deal are determined by chance.


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