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Gamblers fallacy

Taylor Cooper

Can someone explain to me gamblers fallacy in terms of baccarat? 

Andrea Hern

Sure thing! Let's break it down. Imagine you're playing baccarat, a card game. The gambler's fallacy is thinking that if you've been winning a lot, you're due to lose soon, or vice versa. But that's not true. Each round of the game is like starting from scratch, and what happened before doesn't affect what comes next. Whether you win or lose, each hand has the same chance, no matter what happened before. So, thinking past outcomes influence future ones in baccarat is a mistake.

Lory Wan

Hi!! I can say  this thing where people believe that if a certain outcome happens a lot, it's less likely to happen in the future. Like, say the banker wins a bunch of hands in a row, some might think the player is "due" for a win.  and I guess that is why it is called "fallacy" because I think in baccarat, each hand is like a fresh start. The outcome of one hand doesn't affect the next. It's all about chance. Just because the banker won a few times doesn't mean the player is more likely to win the next hand. It's kind of like assuming the past outcomes influence the future, but they really don't. 


When someone believes that past results will affect future ones in baccarat, they are committing the gambler's fallacy. The fallacy is, for instance, thinking that the next hand will probably favor the "Banker" hand if the "Player" hand wins a few times in a row. Each hand is actually independent, and previous outcomes have no bearing on subsequent ones. Since baccarat is a game of chance, there is an equal probability of various results in every hand.

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